So Cal Autumn

Space-dye tulip dress, Silence + Noise. Navy denim shirt, Madewell. Woven ankle boots, Chinese Laundry. Suede cross-body bag with tassels, Zara (old). Braided trim felt panama hat, Urban Outfitters.

We're squarely into mid-October now and LA is still experiencing some super hot heat waves. It was triple digits in Downtown LA this past weekend and quite unbearable being out and about. My determination to celebrate fall's arrival through my wardrobe choices is kinda sadly manifesting in outfits topped off by felt hats and strappy, ventilated boots (if, in fact, they still count as boots). But, in happy meteorology news, the "Ridiculously Resilient Ridge" that has prevented storms from making landfall throughout most of California for the past few years has finally dissipated. So fingers are crossed that our wet El NiƱo winter will be coming very soon! And hopefully some cooler temperatures along with it.


  1. It's terrible to be in a heat wave when the weather's supposed to be cold, isn't it? Whatever the case, I think you've celebrated fall well with this heatwave accommodating look, haha. The denim tie around is such a lovely touch!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

  2. I'm hoping that you do experience cooler temperatures soon! As much as I love SoCal, I do hate how hot and muggy it can get. That being said, I'm always impressed by the fact that you do manage to pull off elements of autumn style in the California heat. I love the pattern on that dress and that denim shirt makes a nice layering piece.

    Sweet Helen Grace

  3. Although I am really happy that fall here, we have the opposite problem in Berlin - the temperatures have dropped to winter ones, so there is not much of a fall at all! I would take the triple digits over a too-early winter since as you said, you can always where ventilation boots and hats still to get that fall vibe. Love this outfit so much and these photos are absolutely beautiful. Really love the fit of that dress.

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  4. Ah that is such great news!! I hope CA gets some much needed rain and cooler weather soon. I love your look, so cute with the chambray shirt tied around. XO, Ellese


  5. Love your dress and how you paired it! It's still hitting 90 degrees here in Texas so I completely understand! I'm happy to hear that your hot weather might change soon!!

    The Style Roll

  6. That's so crazy you guys are still in the 3 digits in mid October...guess I can't complain about our mild warm Autumn weather anymore. You look great as usual. I love those "ventilated" booties.

  7. The LA autumn sure looks more comfortable than the Danish version:) You look amazing in the pictures and the light is just perfect. Are the photos taken in the afternoon or in the morning?

  8. Gorgeous look! <3


  9. I wish I was spending fall in La so I could wear cute outfits like this and not thousands of layers!

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  10. I love the look! The photos are amazing!

  11. Your outfit is stunning, love the dress.
    So happy I found your blog.
    ♡ Nicole

    Singapore fashion blog |

  12. such a cool look, I loved the assymetrical dress!

  13. Ah I love the print of your dress - it's so pretty

    xoxo, ♥

  14. Love these shots! And you look amazing as always~

    Pink Wings

  15. Love love love these pictures! Cool vibes!


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