flower power


So I'm leaving for a two week trip to Fiji/Australia tonight and I am having the hardest time packing. Fiji is not much of a problem; I did spend 6 months studying abroad in Singapore so I have my strategy for how to dress in humid tropical weather down pat (keep it simple and wear as little as possible). But it's really hard to think about a cold Ozzie winter when it's so gosh darn hot here in LA right now and I can't even keep my thighs from sticking together. I can't even look at a sweater without sweating up a storm much less think about which ones I might want to put on! It makes packing such a miserable experience. So, I'm trying to find inspiration by looking at some older outfit pictures I have taken. These are from a couple of months back, before we got into the full swing of summer (I know, I am terrible at keeping up with posting!) I've mentioned before how much I love mixing floral and leopard prints, so I couldn't think of any better shoes to wear with these leggings! I also have a bunch more outfit pictures which have been waiting for their time to shine which I'll try to schedule to post during the next two weeks while I'm away...so keep on visiting ok?? Or follow me on bloglovin'! =]

Red Sweater, Motel Rocks. Denim Campfire shirt, Madewell. Floral leggings, Delia's. Catherine leopard pumps, Sole Society. Metallic crossbody, Cambridge Satchel Company. Collar necklace, Romwe. Heart ring, Honey My Heart.


  1. Lovely outfit! Have fun in your Australia/Fiji trip! :)


  2. ADORBS! LOVE the floral paired with those leopard heels - so different, unique, and beautiful look!

    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  3. Cute! I lovey the colors! I was totally wondering how you're able to wear that in the summer, until I read the part about it being a late post. That's so interesting how you're going to visit such different weathered places! Well, I wish you luck on packing and have a safe trip!

  4. I've been dying for a pair of floral pants--I love how you mixed and matched the patterns here with the leopard heels and pairing it with the chunky red sweater is so great! You look awesome--have a great trip!

    The Glossy Life

  5. I love the gold ring with the heart!!
    Here's the link to my Giveaway: http://mondaynightfashion.blogspot.ch/2012_07_01_archive.html

    xoxo Eva

  6. You look great!
    Please visit my blog.And when you like it follow me on GFC
    Love Joe♥

  7. lovedd your bag to much!!
    nice blog


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